
Innovating in the new normal

Bas Alderding

In the new normal, many companies are forced to redesign their work. This requires a completely new approach. It is the time to innovate. Save unnecessary costs by automating expensive processes and make your business coronaproof by digitising as many activities as possible. Here are a few rules of thumb for innovating in the new normal.


You know the drill. Those recurring tasks that are always the same. Chances are, these tasks can be automated! A new innovative mindset can therefore be a bit lazy. Why do it the hard way if you can do it the easy way? In principle, every reproducible task can be automate and you can save a lot of time and money. Time and money that you can invest in other areas.

"I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it"

Bill Gates


Software development can be very fast. For example, we deliver working software already in a short two-week sprint. When things change so quickly, it is important to stay involved. This way, you can make adjustments during the process and avoid having to make a lot of changes afterwards. That can often cost a lot of time. At SevenLab, the customer therefore always remains involved in the project when Product Owner.


Setting up a digital working environment often involves using several existing software programmes. There are many useful tools for CRM, administration or planning, for example. These programmes are useful for specific tasks, but do not always work well together. Not everything runs synchronously and transferring data can be very labour-intensive and error-prone. You can avoid this by developing separate software that connects all separate tools, or Application Programming Interface (API). This ensures that everything fits together seamlessly.


Digitising always takes risks. Yet too little consideration is given to this. More than half of all web applications have high risk security vulnerabilities! The corona crisis has turned a hacker's world into a playground. Due to hasty digitalisation, many platforms fall short on security. With important business processes and sensitive stakeholder data online, this can have disastrous consequences. That's why we say: Keep It Safe Stupid! Sure that software is safe? Get hacked by an ethical hacker!

Do you also want to innovate in the new normal or have you acquired a taste for innovation and are looking for ways to make your digital working environment even better? Contact us for free IT advice!

SevenLab is a reliable party with great customer focus. They actively think with you, are enormously helpful and flexible.

Satish Bahwanidin

Project leader VO-raad

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