
App for Healthcare; responding quickly to change

Bas Alderding

Information systems within healthcare institutions are often very complex. It is therefore difficult for the average staff member to find the information he needs at his fingertips.fficient In this way, data can be entered or searched for. Examples of these kinds of systems are SAP, Microsoft Dynamics and AFAS ERP for healthcare. They are all fine software packages, but the threshold for the correct storage and use of data is often high.

The implementation of an ERP system for a healthcare institution is a necessity; managers, suppliers, insurers and employees all retrieve their data from this system. However, this does make the organisation a lot more cumbersome. It becomes more difficult to respond to changes because a desired change in the method of working is often accompanied by lengthy change processes, high costs and/or vague workarounds. This is now changing... with the arrival of apps.

Replace the expensive consultant with an app

The current technology for apps enables healthcare institutions to respond quickly and cost-effectively to changes. The entire ERP package does not have to be adapted, but an app can be developed that is much faster and less expensive.

With an app, frequently recurring actions or new processes can easily be "translated" into the database of the ERP package used. The advantage is that it can focus on a certain selection of tasks, such as entering patient data, recording notes, filling in a form, displaying management information, sickness visit registration or reporting staff events.


Nowadays, everyone knows how to use an app. Moreover, an app offers the advantage of being able to record data during normal work; one is no longer tied to the computer as a data entry point. There can also be more interaction between healthcare institution and patient. For example, by offering the possibility for the patient to order additional services (food, etc.). Staff and patients often enjoy working with an app.


A hospital works with SAP. Visit appointments are made within SAP. In SAP, a number of screens are required to do this. The flexible structure of the ERP package causes a great deal of confusion among the doctor's assistants, and valuable time is also lost due to the cumbersome entry method.

With an app, specifically for making and looking up visiting appointments, this can be done better. This can easily save a few minutes per employee per search compared to SAP. This is because the app is specifically designed for making and looking up appointments. Moreover, the assistants would no longer have to sit behind the counter to do this. They are therefore also available during the day (during telephone standby) to assist with normal work.

Have an app developed for your healthcare institution or hospital and make it easier for your employees. Take contact with us.

SevenLab is a reliable party with great customer focus. They actively think with you, are enormously helpful and flexible.

Satish Bahwanidin

Project leader VO-raad

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