The VO Council App

Better knowledge sharing by easily gauging opinions among school leaders. That was the challenge for the VO-raad. The result is a user-friendly app that allows regional chairmen to quickly poll school leaders. This enhances knowledge sharing, promotes decision-making and creates more involvement at the same time.


VO Council


Jan 1, 2023


Community platform



The Brief

Better knowledge sharing by easily gauging opinions among school leaders. That was the challenge for the VO-raad. The result is a user-friendly app that allows regional chairmen to quickly poll school leaders. This enhances knowledge sharing, promotes decision-making and creates more involvement at the same time.

Focus and simplicity

The app is designed to offer issues as easily as possible. Therefore, the design is focused on simplicity and focus. It should be immediately clear to the user what is expected, without noise. Regional boards can easily create polls to which school leaders can easily respond. There is also the possibility to view statistics.

Linking with Azure AD

The application was built with Laravel and VueJS and made available for multiple platforms through Ionic. To make the app available to all users involved, a choice was made to set up a login module linked to Azure AD. This allows region boards and school leaders to securely use the app with an existing login and use the same account for future applications.

Getting a better grip on regional disparities

The VO-raad aims to map regional developments and differences faster and more clearly. This app can make a significant contribution to that by making regional polls transparent and comparable. Thus, this app will provide more engagement for school leaders, quick decision-making for regional chairs and more insight for the VO-raad to align national policies.

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