The digital file from Eurocross

The Digital File is a secure, online repository for important documents and information. This ensures optimal customer self-reliance, freeing up 25% more time for the telephone support team. The application's digital and personalised user experience and scope for quality support has improved customer satisfaction.




Jul 10, 2020


Customer portal



The Brief

The Digital File is a secure, online repository for important documents and information. This ensures optimal customer self-reliance, freeing up 25% more time for the telephone support team. The application's digital and personalised user experience and scope for quality support has improved customer satisfaction.

Eurocross Assistance offers help to people in need around the world. To optimise this assistance, we developed the Digital Dossier together with TJIP and Koos Service Design. In this digital customer environment, customers can view the entire file. In this environment, customers always have the right information at their disposal

Designed from the customer's perspective

In collaboration with Koos Service Design, extensive research was carried out into end-user needs. This process involved interviews with experience experts and customers. The result is an application design that puts the customer first. As the Eurocross customer is often in a stressful situation abroad, ease of use and logic are particularly important. The user's train of thought should be captured in the app as much as possible

Built for every situation

For an optimal user experience, stability and 100% getting through all notifications are priorities. After all, whether or not a notification gets through can have serious consequences. For this reason, extensive testing for both functionality, scenario and technical failure has resulted in an extremely stable and secure system. In addition, it is important that the system offers the same user experience on every conceivable Internet-enabled device. The software is therefore a progressive web application that is fully cross-platform. 

Added value for Eurocross and the customer

Improved customer experience

  • Convenience - Customers can view all important documents and information in one place. They don't have to worry about losing important paperwork.

  • Self-reliance - By having access to the personal file themselves, customers are more self-reliant. That means they can independently act quickly and appropriately in emergencies.

  • Safety - The file is protected and operates on a secure server. Clients can be confident that their information is safe.

  • Peace of mind - In an emergency, customers can be sure that helpers have quick and easy access to the information they need.

Optimal assistance

  • Time saving - The file helps helpers save time by having all the important information they need in one place. No need to waste time searching for lost or misplaced papers.

  • Efficient - The file helps helpers work more efficiently by giving them quick and easy access to customer information.

  • Precise - The file helps ensure that helpers have accurate information about customers and their needs. This helps avoid confusion and misunderstandings during an emergency.

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